elmarakbysteel safety

Count on us

You Can always

elmarakbysteel Company is keen to provide a safe work environment to protect the human element and preserve the material element through the application of occupational health, safety, and environmental protection.

The company management shares the goal of 'safety as first priority of management' with all executives and employees and engages in various activities to implement 'everyone's participation in safety. The company management increases communication with worksites by implementing regular management safety meetings while leading the effort to make improvements on the risk factors in the factory also, through regular and irregular safety patrols.

elmarakbysteel care


We ensure safety.
We protect our employees.
We protect our products.
Customer experience is our first priority.

elmarakbysteel Reliability


German reliability through German technology.

elmarakbysteel safety


We are close to our roots through a local location and being internationally active at the same time.